miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


Hii Blogger!!!! 

Today I'm talking about how to teach children listening. 

When we learn a language it's essential to listen to the natives of that country. That's why it's important that teachers teach and work on the listening in class.

First of all, teachers have to motivate children. The best way is through tasks with songs and activities in which they participate.

Also, Teachers have to do activities before the listening, because children will understand better than if they haven't worked on this vocabulary.  Children have to feel good and teachers have to make it fun.

And finally, Teachers should do the listening in class without the radio. The outcome will be better if the teacher himself is the one speaking, or even better, if it is one of the students who talks for the other ones to listen.

See you soon!!!!

Maria Giner Garrido

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