martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

GAME: Let's get in groups

Hi Bloggers!!

Today is playtime!!!!

The game call " let's get in groups". This game is for children  four or five years, and they'll work the animals and the sounds of this animals.

First teacher have to say same animals, for instance, cat , dog, cow or duck. 

The game begins ,walk around the classroom making this animals' sounds. They will have to find the chindren that will making the same sound as he/she and join them.

At the end, the same "animals"should be toghether. Each group should be ready to tell the other groups what they are saying. For example " We are cats".

In this game the teacher teach them about the animals, the sound. And they work the motor, also.

I hope you like it

See you soon!!!

Maria :)

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