lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014


Hiii Bloggers!!!

Here I attached a web page in which there are several short books to read to our children:

I hope you find it useful!!!


Maria Giner :)

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014


Hii Bloggers!!

In these web pages you will find games to teach our children different concepts:

Farm animals----->

My body ----->

The clown's face ----->

Memory game ---->

Fruit and sweets ---->

School supplies  ----->

Family puzzle ---->

Numbers ----->


Painting is fun ---->

I hope you like it. Give it a try!

See you soon

Maria Giner :)

jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Arts and Crafts: Hand and Foot Reindeer Craft

Hi Bloggers!!

This cute reindeer is made from your child's handprints and footprint, cut out of construction paper. It makes a cute Christmas decoration.

What you need:
  • Brown and tan (or orange) construction paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes
What You Do:

1. Trace around the child's foot using brown construction paper. This will be the reindeer's head.

2. Trace around the child's hands using tan construction paper. These 2 pieces will be the reindeer's antlers.

3. Glue the handprint "antlers" to the top of the reindeer. Add a bright red paper nose, a paper (or drawn) mouth, and googly eyes (or paper eyes) to the reindeer's head.
You can now decorate your house for Christmas with these cute reindeers. Don't forget to put the child's name and age on the back of the reindeer.

Bye bye!!!

Maria Giner :)

The Christmas' song

Hii Bloggers!!

This video is very funny for our children!!


Decorate the Christmas tree.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Candy canes for you and me.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Hang the stockings, 1, 2, 3.
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.

Wrap the presents happily.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

On a sleigh ride, go, go, go.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Make a snowball, throw, throw, throw.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Kiss beneath the mistletoe.
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.

Santa's laughing, "Ho, ho, ho!"
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Christmas Eve comes soon, hooray!
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Santa Claus is on the way.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Lots of presents in his sleigh.
Fa la la, la la la, la la la.

I can't wait 'til Christmas Day.
Fa la la la la, la la la la.

Fa la la la la, la la la LAAAAAAAAA! 

Bye bye!!

Maria Giner :)

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Arts and crafts: The roulette Weather

Hii Bloggers!!!

Today I'm talking about the weather. 

This is a roulette. Kids can learn the weather with this roulette. 

Everyday they have to put the arrow in the correct box.

Come on!!! 

Maria :)

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Arts and Crafts: Part of the body with Bob Esponja

Hii Bloggers!!!

Today we are going to talk about the parts of the body.

First children have to paint this picture. 

Then they have to cut all parts. 

And finally they have to put the parts of the body where they belong.

Bye Bye!!

Maria :)

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

New Songs: Part of the body and numbers

Good Morning Bloggers!!! 

Today I'm going to talk about new songs for children. Kids love songs, rythm, music and movement so it's great to sing and dance with them while we learn English! 

These are the songs we can use  to practise the numbers and parts of the body.

I hope they sing and dance them again at home!

See you soon!!!
Maria :)

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Games for our children

Hii Bloggers!!

Today I'm going to talk about a website that contains many games. These games are exciting for our children because it helps kids learn vocabulary and enjoy learning English. This page is:

I hope you like it. Give it a try!

Maria Giner :)

Arts and Crafts: Food and Paint.

Hii Bloggers!!!

We know that Kids love doing crafts and they love food. 

Here's an opportunity for them to combine two of their favorite things! 

This activity not only allows kids to get creative, it also helps them learn about all of the natural color around them.

What You Need:

  • Foods for painting (dry mustard, paprika, cocoa, blackberries, curry, beets, red currants and more)
  • Watercolor paper
  • Water
  • Paintbrushes
  • Muffin tin
  • Spoons
  • OPTIONAL: measuring cup or medicine dropper

  What You Do:

  1. Ask your child to tell you his favorite colors. Write down the colors he names and explain that instead of using crayons or markers, you're going to make the same colors using food.
  2. Go to the market! Pick out color-rich foods like the ones listed above. Show them to your child and discuss the color of each item. Tell your child that you are going to use the dyes in the foods to make your own paint. Have him predict what colors he can create using each food item.
  3. Place a small sample of each food item in a compartment of the muffin tin. For example, place some paprika in one compartment and place some cocoa in a different compartment.
  4. Just add water! Using a measuring cup or medicine dropper, help your child add a little water at a time. Use the spoon to mix the food into a paint-like consistency.
  5. Using his paintbrush, have your child create an original piece of artwork. Anything goes, from still lifes to abstract art. Remind him to use a different brush for each color of paint or rinse the brushes before using a different color.
  6. For a neat twist, try experiencing this activity as a pioneer. Help your child to make his own paintbrushes using pine boughs, assorted grass blades, or feathers. Have him to paint a picture with his natural paintbrush and natural paints.
Maria Giner :)

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Arts and Crafts: Pig Noises

Hi Bloggers!!!

Today we are going to make pig noises. Pig noses are adorable decorations made from recycled egg cartons. Each pig nose has a custom-designed personality depending on how it's accessorized. This is a great exercise for little ones to practice fine motor skills.

         What You Need:

    • Recycled egg carton
    • Pink Tempera or acrylic paint
    • Googly eyes
    • Glue
    • Pink construction paper
    • Markers
    • Decorating Materials: chenille sticks, raffia, yarn, sequins, etc.

         What You Do:

    1. Help your child cut out individual cups from the egg crates. Cut out as many cups as she would like to make pig noses.
    2. Have her paint all of the cups with pink paint. Allow to dry completely.
    3. Ask her to cut out two pink triangles for her pig's ears and glue them in place from behind.
    4. She can now glue on the googly eyes to create a personality for the pig nose.
    5. Have her create unique features for her pig nose. We used chenille sticks twisted and cut for glasses, a construction paper bow, and raffia glued on for hair. 


Maria Giner :)

Video: Hair

Hiii Bloggers!!!

This video is very funny for our children!!

Hair, we love our hair
Check out our hair
Hair, shampoo it
Hair, blow-dry it
Hair, so lovely
Spray, gel, spray, mousse, spray, spray-spray, spray, spray-spray
Hair, get's tangled
Hair, so brush your hair
And comb your hair
Hair, shampoo it
Hair, blow-dry it
Hair - See more at:

Maria :)

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

The numbers

Hi Bloggers!!!!

Today I'm going to tell you about a new game that I found on the internet. This game helps our students learn the numbers from 1 to 10.

This Game is fantastic and very fun!!!

I hope you find it useful!!!


Maria Giner :)

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Learn English Kids

Hi Bloggers!

This week we've started learning new songs and dances and I wanted to share a very nice website with you.

We have already talked about Learn English Kids before, but this time I want to highlight their song section.

The videos are very instructive and fun and the songs are accompanied by subtitles so they are easier to follow and learn. Plus! Children can learn the dances by wacthing the cartoons on the screen, so it's basically perfect. 

I hope you find it useful!!!


Maria Giner :)

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

The pinata game!

To play the pinata game, hang the pinata in its designated place and have the guests stand in a single file line three metres away.

Traditionally, to play the pinata game you blindfold the first child in line, gently spin them around three times, and give them a wooden stick so they can hit the pinata.

If the children are preschoolers, the option of blindfolding can be dropped and you can just spin each child around and give them the opportunity to hit the pinata.

Give each child the opportunity to hit the pinata at least twice.
As each guest tries to hit the pinata, it is extremely important to make sure everyone is standing at least five metres away from the guest with the stick.
In addition, when the pinata is broken, make sure the guest has completely stopped swinging the wooden stick before letting everyone gather the toys and candy

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

Shapes Song

Hii Bloggers!!!!!

This song can be useful for children, because they can repeat all shapes that apear in it. And they see their forms in this, 
This song is great fun and they learn news words and vocabulary,
My students love this and they know all the shapes. 
I hope you find it useful

Maria Giner :)

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014


Hii Blogger!!!! 

Today I'm talking about how to teach children listening. 

When we learn a language it's essential to listen to the natives of that country. That's why it's important that teachers teach and work on the listening in class.

First of all, teachers have to motivate children. The best way is through tasks with songs and activities in which they participate.

Also, Teachers have to do activities before the listening, because children will understand better than if they haven't worked on this vocabulary.  Children have to feel good and teachers have to make it fun.

And finally, Teachers should do the listening in class without the radio. The outcome will be better if the teacher himself is the one speaking, or even better, if it is one of the students who talks for the other ones to listen.

See you soon!!!!

Maria Giner Garrido

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

My favorite book and movie: The lion King

When I was a child my book and my favorite movie was king leon.

When I was in my house I was telling my mother that I read the book or to put my video.

I loved to sing the songs that appeared in the film.

Simba was my favorite character. 

My mother bought me a costume to sing.

Whenever I can I put the movie or songs to my students and my cousins to have fun with them.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

ARTS AND CRAFTS: The Super Spider

Hi Bloggers!!!

Today I'll tell you a beautiful and easy craft. This activity is for five year old children .

This spider is very easy to do. We need: egg packaging, watercolors, pipe cleaners and googly eyes.

Children have to paint the egg packing with watercolors, and put the eyes last.

This is the result:

Come on !!! Try to do it with your children!!!!

See you soon!!

Maria :)

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

GAME: Let's get in groups

Hi Bloggers!!

Today is playtime!!!!

The game call " let's get in groups". This game is for children  four or five years, and they'll work the animals and the sounds of this animals.

First teacher have to say same animals, for instance, cat , dog, cow or duck. 

The game begins ,walk around the classroom making this animals' sounds. They will have to find the chindren that will making the same sound as he/she and join them.

At the end, the same "animals"should be toghether. Each group should be ready to tell the other groups what they are saying. For example " We are cats".

In this game the teacher teach them about the animals, the sound. And they work the motor, also.

I hope you like it

See you soon!!!

Maria :)

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014


Hi Bloggers!!

Today, I'am talking about a new methodology. It call Amco.

Amco is an institution dedicated to developing books and media that enhace the learning process, improving the quality of education in effective and innovative ways.

They believe education is a fundamentak piece in our chindren's future, as they face a globalized and challeging world.

Amco's groundbraking system is based upon successfull teaching and learning techniques, which have proven effective in developing communication skills in English.

Each book has been  carefully written and edited by English speackers and educators, and designed to foster oral expression. Each unit includes situations that children experience in real life, and activities that promote colaborative work, develop critical thinking, and show cultural aspects of English- speaking conuntries.

Their mission start at schools where they have the oportunity to participate in children's learining experiences, but goes for beyond the classroom into a world that values global cooperation and colaboration as priceless tools to create a better place for all of us.

I hope you might help

See you soon!!!!

Maria :)

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

Video for children

Hi Bloggers!!!

I am going to talk about teaching resources for three or four year olds children .  

Today I will link on my blog a youtube video. In this video children can learn the hours and the animals that appear in it.  

I put this video in my class every day, and they love watching it.

I hope you like it and you find it useful!!!!!

See you soon

Maria :)

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

ACTIVITY 1: Qualities of teachers

Hi Bloggers!!!

Today I'll tell you about qualities of teachers. If we ask children about their favorite teachers and ask why, they will respond some general qualities. But there are two types of qualities, good qualities and bad qualities.

On the one hand, I'll tell you about good qualities. For instance, a child describes his favorite teacher as a person who is sympathetic, cheerful, close, a good communicator, concerned, likes his job, conciliator, funny, motivator.... and other positive qualities.

On the other hand, there are the bad qualities. For example if we want the child to describe his worst teacher, they probably will say that it is a person who is rough, does not like his job, unfriendly, who taught classes monotonously, who didn't let students participate, who wasn't motivating...

We, teachers, must try to acquire good qualities to positively influence children.



Maria :)